From Executive Producer Timothy Joy, a psychological thriller short film starring Melanie Simmons as Dr. Svetlana Pugachev, Morgan Whitney as Delores and Ron Fazio as Frank. Directed by Steven Roten. Produced and Edited by Kate Joy

Do Harm

An award winning TresNY Media film based on an original screenplay by Timothy Reinhardt

The world of prominent psychiatrist, Svetlana Pugachev, is permanently altered by comments from her well-meaning partner simultaneous with being shaken by a reprobate new patient.  Unbeknownst to either her partner or her patient, these separate events come together to trigger memories which reignite dark, latent aspects of the doctor’s personality.  In this psychological thriller, Dr. Pugachev struggles to contain urges to do harm to unsuspecting patients that she deems unworthy of saving.

Young Svetlana, fourteen years old, growing up in a small rural town in Russia, mysteriously collects teeth and soil from a freshly dug grave in a small jar to keep as an ominous token.  This and other behaviors have caught the attention of those around her, who recommended her for mental evaluation.  There is no diagnosis as the teenage Svetlana keeps her thoughts hidden.  Her face though betrays a darker side of her strong personality.

Decades later, Dr. Pugachev recognizes worrisome traits in a new patient before he even enters her office, sensing that this man could alter her psyche.  At first, she worries that he represents a physical threat to her, but later starts to ponder thoughts that puts the patient in danger.  After several intimate discussions with her partner, Delores, Svetlana starts to question a blind loyalty to her profession and considers a brighter future, as one where harmful people are removed.

The new course Svetlana travels is connected with actions she may have taken in far off Russia a lifetime ago.  What she did and what she will do, could be the same.  Unlike her sins of the past, which seemed to be isolated, her sins of the future seem to be the start of a series of sustained sinister proceedings.  Which means, this is just the beginning of the story…not the end.

Note: please contact TresNY Media ([email protected]) about obtaining production rights to this original dark, psychological thriller story series by Academy qualifying screenwriter Timothy Reinhardt.
